Here's A Little Bit About How I Can Help You...


Here’s A Little Bit About How I Can Help You…

Production Scheduling

The process of arranging, controlling and optimizing workloads can be a daunting task without automated reporting to assist you. As Lucy and Ethel are busy demonstrating, it is extremely important to know what your production requirements are and what staffing levels, machines, processes and supplies are required to maintain that level. You need to have a timetable for the use of your resources and processes to produce goods or provide services. Most times, this information is available to you in your accounting software, but not assembled in a useful report. I can create custom reports available at the touch of a button in a spreadsheet format using your data, saving you hours of time trying to assemble these details daily on your own.

Job Costing

In a nut shell, to be consistently profitable, you need to have accurate estimating. In order to have accurate estimating you need accurate job costs. One of the areas most accounting software is if most deficient is in the area of Job Costing. The job costing process tracks the true costs to deliver a service or job, enabling a business to charge the right price to achieve a targeted gross profit. The most important decision that you, as a small business owner will ever make is how to price your jobs and services. I can help you make these decisions by creating custom reports that present your data in a manner that provides the true cost of your product or service in one place. Replacing having to analyze multiple reports on a monthly basis and spending hours calculating total true costs, making your reporting much more practical and efficient.